Welcome to Story School

Elevating Your Communication, Presentation, and Personal Storytelling.

Only $397

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Story School: the MEGA Course

Start telling stories that elevate your communication, presentation & personal storytelling. 

From the board room to the dinner table, stories shape us. 

Become a storyteller that people want to listen to.

It’s time to stop telling the same three stories over and over, and start telling concise and compelling stories that GET RESULTS .

Feel like you have stories to tell but don’t know how to start telling them?

💡 Want to share about what you’ve been through but scared no one will listen?

💡 Have a hard time telling a story without adding too many details and losing the point?

💡 Think your story isn’t as interesting as everyone else’s?

💡 Wondering where to start in the story to give context without being boring?

💡 Tried storytelling but didn’t see results in your business?

Welcome to … 



A guide to crafting powerful stories that will captivate a crowd.

See what’s on the inside 

3 modules, 15 lessons 

The Science Behind Storytelling

De-Story vs Re-Story

Micro vs Macro Storytelling

The Hero’s Journey

Story Map & Value Words

The 3 C’s of Storytelling

6 Common Storytelling Struggles

Storytelling & Public Speaking

Know Your Audience

Said vs Read

How to Build Trust Through Storytelling

How to Use AI to Support your Storytelling

It’s YOUR Turn

Write It Out & Practice

What Worked?

Walk away with …

📣 Elevated Communication Skills

💪 Confidence in Personal Storytelling

Increased Leadership and Influence

🤝 Networking and Relationship Building

⭐️ Concise Conversation Tactics

And a whole lot more!!!

Katie is an acclaimed speaker and consultant who is deeply passionate about the art of storytelling. She helps people and companies craft their stories in concise and compelling ways. Katie has recently worked with top brands to ignite their story for more effective communication, high trust within teams, and immediate ROI. Katie and her husband, Danny, live with their two daughters in Orange, CA. They spent two years living in a 180-square-foot tiny home and believe that stories are better than stuff.

What they’re saying on the inside

  • "I juuust starting going through Story School modules and am in absolute awe about how you break down storytelling into such a digestible thing to learn. I'm so obsessed."

  • “Learning how to tell my story unlocked the next level in my confidence, and therefore the next level in my business. This was an urgent need I didn't know I had. I can’t thank Katie enough!”

    Tracy V, Relator

  • “I am admittedly long winded and I have a hard time making clear points. Katie’s session gave me the direction (and permission) I needed to become a more compelling communicator.”

    United Health Care Team Member

  • “Katie is super inspiring and an absolute delight to listen to. Storytelling has not been a strong suit of mine and these lessons left me equipped and inspired to step into my storytelling with confidence.”

    Kelly M, The Mom Project

  • “There has been so much in my life I have overcome, but it's hard to put your own story into words. Story School taught me how to simplify something that sounded so daunting. I am ready to tell my 7 stories this year, and I know how to do it with confidence and clarity!”

    Terry, Non-profit founder

Invest today, be a better storyteller tomorrow. 

Your story is waiting to be told.  I can’t wait to hear it!

If you missed the Sober Sis special, email hello@katiequesada.com.