What in the world is a Story Coach?

  • Speaking + Presentation Coaching

    To prepare for an event or to craft messages for a future date.

  • Executive Level Interview Coaching

    Psst.. Companies don't just want to hear your answers, they want to hear your stories!

  • Personal StoryCrafting

    Identify your most compelling life stories and where to tell them.

  • Personal Brand Storytelling + Brand Messaging

    Creating tag lines that stick and writing brand stories that compel meaningful action.

  • Podcast Creation + Copy

    I can walk with you from idea to launch for any podcast dreams!

I help people and companies tell stories. When I’m hired as a Story Coach, here are some of the specific outcomes you can expect:

*Katie does not actually coach babies, but she does work with lots of incredible moms & dads.

“In every session, Katie takes the thoughts from my head and puts them into words I'd never before thought to use to communicate my ideas. She is the perfect mix of intuitive and exceptionally sophisticated and measured with various styles of communicating. Katie is a big reason for my increased success in my myriad roles.

–Kyle Smithy, Founder of Detroit Prep Academy & Louis Cookware

“Katie’s positive energy and intuitive approach lead to efficient and impactful outcomes. My work with her has had a profound affect on how I view both my professional and personal stories. The takeaways are as important for my website as they are for my own self talk.”

–Erin Morris, Architect Firm

Ready to tell your story?


We start with a complementary phone call. I’d like to learn about your situation and give you an opportunity to discover if I’m the right coach for you.

Should you decide to work with me, we’ll tailor a plan to get you to layer and thread your story into perfect communicability.